Thursday, September 15, 2005


This guy copped the most spectacular birthday bumps (earlier tonight) I have ever seen in my life. As Tejaswi remarked, it was quite a circus.

A few key features:

* Ani, anticipating outbursts of cyclonic proportions, wore about 3-4 layers of trousers/shorts to keep raging legs out. Didn't work as people sussed that out early and stripped him back to everyday norms (which is *normal*, in case you're wondering, having not met the protagonist)

* It was being billed as an epochal event for about 1.5 days and the "festivities" began 5 mins to midnight

* I have truly seen "The Mob" in operation

* Ani inflicted some amount of damage by his counter-lashes - man, did he kick out

* I have some idea as to what those unfortunates who spit out chewing gum in Singapore must feel like when the judge orders them to bend over.

* It reminded me of Billy Bunter, whose trouser-seats were never too far away from the kicks of the rest of the Remove.


Blogger Ajay said...

Reminds me of COEP hostel bumps. The worst was people from near and afar in the hostel coverging for the ceremonies with steel-toed Red Tapes and Lee Coopers. Salt on wound - you barely knew these guys.

And, there was usually a re-do at noon in the BC for the 'localites' who couldn't make it the previous night.

1:55 AM  

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